Welcome To Al-Kawther Star Chemical Est.
Al-Kawther star Chemical Est.” is a innovative marketing & distribution platform in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Created to serve Chemical Organizations for their specific needs of chemicals, Transportation to achieve the business goals easily.

Ceo Massage
Al-Kawther star Chemical Est." founded in August 1997. There have been various success stories since then.Since its establishment "Al-Kawther star Chemical Est." strongly emphasized on quality human resource management. Now today more than 50 dedicated trained and qualified employees are working in this! Sadiq Alshakhs ,CEO Alkawther Star Chemicals
Our Services
Al-Kawther star Chemical Est. also doing chemical transportation not only in Saudi Arabia.

Our Vision & Mission
To passionately innovate what is essential to human progress by providing sustainable solutions to our customers
Our Staffs
Sadiq Alshkahs - Ceo And Founder
Dr.hashim Al Ghafly - Lab Manager
Mohammed Labib - Sales Man
Dr.hashim Al Ghafly - Lab Manager
Mohammed Labib - Sales Man
Case Studies
The Khursaniyah Gas Plant package (KGP) is part of the Khursaniyah Oil and Gas Facilities being constructed about 140 km northwest
We Specialise In
All Aspects Of Lab Chemicals
Our latest Products
Gulf Star Lab
Environmental Testing
Analytical Chemistry
Our Clients